All Star Line Up For Total Rock Charity Benefit

February 20, 2017

Total Rock radio have announced a big charity event next month featuring band members from Uriah Heep, Black Star Riders and more.

Total Rock are throwing a party in aid of Drums and Disabilities- a non-profit organisation who pioneered the Healing Art Of Drum Therapy. The London radio station has rounded up some famous friends to play 3 hours of classic covers. Taking part will be Jimmy Degrasso (Black Star Riders, Megadeth, Alice Cooper ect), Russell Gillbroke & Davey Rimmer (Uriah Heep), Dave Barbarossa (Adam Ant), Dante Gizzi (Gun) and Henry Rogers (Touchstone, Mia Klose). The show will be opened by London’s biggest Ozzy tribute band Ozzy Ozzspawn plus more local artists.

The Drums And Disabilities charity is the brain child of founder Pat Gesualdo. The organisation was launched in New York 2004 and has now developed their Drum Therapy techniques in over 15 countries. The therapy helps many Psychologists, Doctors, Law Enforcement Agencies, Neuroscientists, Special Needs Therapists, Child Protection Service Agencies, Teachers and United States Governmental Agencies in their practises.

The show will start from 7.30pm and continue until 11pm followed by Total Rock DJs till 2am. Find more info here.

For more information on the charity head to their website.

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