Vintage Shopping In Barcelona

April 24, 2015
Mandy Morello Vintage Shopping In Barcelona Spain

The light pierced through the tall buildings, attempting to dry up the sodden streets. I had hidden under a tall tree for shelter waiting for the slight shower to pass. I hoped to find the next shop, to save my curly locks from a fate worse than death. So I fixed my hair with a bobby pin and tottered along the narrow streets in my noir slip dress.

I came to Riera Baixa. A road scattered with vintage stores and nostalgia finds. This was known as Barcelona’s Vintage Street. It had really made it easy for shoppers to find all vintage stores on the same street. Though these shops were small every corner of them was stocked full of clothes, accessories and a bounty of bags.

Lullaby Vintage

I stepped inside the illustrious Lullaby that held a number of designer classics such as Chanel and Dolce & Gabanna. Their vintage ranged from 50s to 80s clothing and were sectioned accordingly. I became fascinated with the little telephones they had on display.

Le Swing

I moved on to Le Swing after, which was catered more for the accessories fiend with its many Louboutins piled high.

Discos Edisons

I decided to have a little break from the clothes and began to browse around one of the old record shops, Discos Edison’s. I loved flicking through all the dusty jazz vinyls while some old 60’s rock n’ roll played in the background. The staff were heavily into their music, giving advice to the customers who seemed lost among the records. They were all dressed with a knowing smile and band tees.

La Vella Maia

Then, I stumbled on more beaded necklaces and handbags in La Vella Maia which was minimalistic and quaint. I fell in love with a leather jacket that was hung on the wall next to a photo of Jimi Hendrix. Alas, it was out of my price range and I sadly left unequipped.


Kilostore is a genius shop that lets you pay for your items by the kilo. I began bundling dresses and old converse into my companion’s arms until I had a thought, how much is a kilo? But nevertheless I got more for my money this way and I was delighted to pay next to nothing for a treasures.

I came across a little turquoise place called Motel but the lady who worked there told me a sad story. The shop was shutting down because her business had failed after struggling against the rising tide of online shops. It was by far the prettiest shop on the street and even had a vintage bath full of accessories. It’s such a shame that it was closing.

I found many more vintage stores in the Gothic Quarter but Carrer De La Baixa had by far the best selection. As the shops are all down the same street, I didn’t have to worry about my ankles aching from my pastel stilettos.
