Travel Diary: Paris 2013

June 10, 2013
Ernest Hemingway Paris Address Book

One can’t help but fall head over heels.

Before I boarded the train back to England, I had to buy an Ice Cream! I was hanging out of my ass and my mouth was like a Persian rug so I needed some cold creamy hydration. As I tucked into my strawberry cheesecake Ben & Jerries, an extremely eccentric looking gentleman was walking in my direction. He had a thin moustache and extremely recognisable dark chocolate eyes. It was John Galliano and he was dressed like an extremely wealthy pirate in his long flowing coat and eccentric hat. I was speechless and I just about managed to exchange smiles as he strode silently past me.

At this moment at the Gare du Nord station, I realised I had fallen in Love. Not with John, but with Paris.

Sharing bottles of red wine became an every night occurrence in La Ville des Lumières. The Harmonie bar welcomed me almost every night due to their cheap prices and sweet cocktails. I found the place on my first day and instantly had to try the Foie Gras (goose liver pate) and Escargot (Snails) and loved it! This began my quest to find frogs legs.

There were bars sprinkled everywhere and I could appreciate a glass of wine wherever I went but clubs were a whole different experience. We English girls stuck out like a sore thumb somehow, and we instantly had Jean Marc-Clement types following us around. “Roast Beef” one called me while another told me “English girls are easy” when I asked why they followed us. Eventually, when we had enough of all these French vultures, we hitched a taxi.

The taxi man didn’t seem any better either. Even though he spoke no English, he offered us an alternative to financial payment which we politely refused. Daddy, I don’t want to marry a French man. Especially as many of the men we came across fitted the stereotype of being rude and miserable. Even the hotel receptionist had a face like thunder until I worked my charm and forced him to give me a hug to make him smile.

Although Paris is considered pricey, I found an amazing place to eat called Totalement à l’Est which had tartan walls, funky music and a cool host of customers. You could dine like a rock star for only ten euros for two courses and their lasagne tasted out of this world!

Of course, I saw the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Lourve but I couldn’t resist visiting the dirty sordid area of Paris called Pigalle. Paris’ red-light district was intriguing as the red glow from the Moulin Rouge and surrounding strip joints warmed my skin. It seemed to me that girls weren’t the ones in danger here as I saw a man getting yanked inside a club. My friend and I walked with ease around the area and found the sex museum. We went in and I was surprised to discover how much history the sex industry had. Every floor was full of interesting things from vintage porn videos to retro sex toys. Stuff to make your mum blush!

I dragged myself to Le Marche aux Puce Flea market one morning and found heaps of vintage garments and antiques. I bought a few vinyl records to take as souvenirs in the hope to discover some lost dusty gem of a song. I found no frogs legs here though sadly.

I then headed to Rue de Rennes where all the high street shops roamed. One of my favourites, Stradivarius was spunking amazing clothes all over the shop. As I walked out of the store, the snow began to fall down on the road like sugar. I had an urge to dance around in my leopard print coat catch the flakes in my hair. Paris was seducing me and I was loving it.

I ran-up five billion steps to the Montmarte and up the top there were a load of Germans who began congratulating me for not dying, I smiled. I stared back at that postcard-perfect view of Paris where the street lights blended with the stars. I’m not sure if it was the fancy red wine but I felt the romance of Paris and fell under its spell. But damn, I sure didn’t find any frogs legs.

Have you ever been to Paris? What’s your favourite thing to do there? Tell me in the comments below!
