Cider Review: Motörhead’s Snaggletooth

February 11, 2017

Motörhead’s Snaggletooth Cider 5.5% abv

When Lemmy left this life, some people decided to mourn, some people decided to throw parties to his memory and some people decided to launch a new cider. The enterprising folks behind Icon Beverages teamed up with the band to produce something that’s a little bit sweeter than beer. The cider is named after the popular Motörhead song of the same name ‘Snaggletooth’ and is officially endorsed by the band.

Snaggletooth was launched in the summer of this year- very fitting for a cider. It’s a juice blend of the ‘finest’ dabinett, michelin and dessert apple varieties (alcoholic of course). All picked to be made in Worcestershire, England which is one of the better spots of UK for making cider.

It looks slightly like an amber lager when poured, but the smell of apples that bursts from the glass isn’t fooling anyone. It isn’t distinctive in aroma, just like your average cider. It tastes very dry and not sweet at all. The texture is similar to that cheap champagne shit that Italians love so much- prosecco. And it’s slightly sour. But not in a bad way, it goes down quickly with The Carouser team.

Phil Campbell said of the drink, “As a longtime cider aficionado, I am well qualified and proud to recommend this golden liquid.”

We agree with him. Snaggletooth is for those who don’t like their drinks sweet and who were born to raise hell. Cider aficionados, maybe give it a miss.

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