The ‘Schools Out’ singer has announced that he wants to look after post-Brexit Britain and become titled Prime Minister Alice Cooper. After releasing an updated version of his hit ‘Elected’, Alice Cooper is asking everyone to join The Wild Party and to back him for running for Prime Minister. A statement reads, “Alice Cooper is …

Creative Direction
Stone Free Festival was still a virgin until Mandy Morello drunkenly penetrated it in the O2 on June 18th 2016. Here’s how she had her filthy way with the newest Classic Rock festival on the circuit. It was the first time that I had entered this industrial looking dome since the Millennium. What was once …

The legend and machine that is Keith Richards is set to star in a new documentary on the BBC later this year. Keith Richards – The Origin of the Species explores the younger years of the Rolling Stones star in an hour-long film, directed by Julien Temple. It will be part of a new BBC …
As Britain panics about the Brexit result, American brewers The Boston Beer Company cash in on us leaving the EU. The Boston Beer Company,the people who are behind Samuel Adams and Angry Orchard, have applied to trademark the term “Brexit” last Friday. A mere day after the votes were cast and announced to the world. …
After the success of Beavertown’s BeerKat, Siren Brewery is the next in line to claim the pumps. Today, Siren brewery will takeover BeerKat with 16 beers in keg, casks and bottles including some new releases such as Tidal wave – a 10% abv imperial version of their Sound Wave. Darron Anley, founder of Siren says, …
Gik blue wine made is to hit the UK market, with a promise to shake up the wine world. The wine is made in Spanish vineyards from red and white grapes. A blue dye and an additive is mixed in for a sweeter flavour, which is news enough to make a connoisseur choke on an …
So the majority of Brits decided to leave the EU, but what does the referendum result mean for boozers? One European thing that we enjoy that you might not realise is most of our drinks. Unless you’re a gin drinker, more than likely, your booze has been made in another country. So what does this …
So the majority of Brits decided to leave the EU, but what does the referendum result mean for boozers? One European thing that we enjoy that you might not realise is most of our drinks. Unless you’re a gin drinker, more than likely, your booze has been made in another country. So what does this …
Frontman Steven Tyler announces an Aerosmith farewell tour for 2017. Steven Tyler recently told SirusFM, “We’re doung a farewell tour – but only because it’s time.” This comes as no surprise after several comments from the different members of Aerosmith about hanging up their instruments. After being asked to confirm his statement on SirusFM he …
It was 12pm on a Saturday and the bouncers in Camden Town already had bags under their eyes and were yawning beyond comprehension. One told me they’ve had a 9am start and already the bars were full of black-shirted wanderers chugging back endless jars of Kraken rum. Camden Rocks was back for another year and …
For one day only, Camden Town overspilled with rockers and music fans rather than the usual confused tourists. It was only right that we sent Mandy Morello to check out the damage at Camden Rocks. It was 12pm on a Saturday and the bouncers in Camden Town already had bags under their eyes and were …
203 Holloway Road, N78DL In London, bars are constantly opening, re-opening and shutting down. Sometimes you rock up to a bar you once knew, only to find a Starbucks in its place. It’s hard to pin down a local, in more ways than one. So, it seems only right that London would be the perfect …