8 Jayne Mansfield films you need to watch

November 25, 2020
Jayne Mansifeld Movies

One day in 1955, an upcoming actress called Jayne Mansfield borrowed a little red bikini from her friend to wear to a press party for Jane Russel’s film Underwater!. Whilst mingling with famous names, she heard someone whisper that her bikini was too small. She smiled because she knew it was perfect for tonight.

She began to jiggle her way to the pool and peeled off her stilettos. With a quick wink at the press photographers, she dove into the pool, causing a huge splash. All the guests turned around to see a small red bikini floating on the top of the pool. Jayne surfaced with a giggle, while photographers snapped away. She became a ‘somebody’ overnight.

That night set the pace for the rest of her career. It wouldn’t be the last time that she used a wardrobe malfunction to create a buzz. Over the next couple of years, she had nip slips, painted her house completely pink and converted to satanism. In 1960, she was the most written about woman in the world.

She made publicity stunts her thing long before the Kardashians came along. But even though you can compare them, she actually had something of substance to promote; her repetoire of movies.

Jayne Mansfield's Best Movies

Female Jungle

1955, Directed By Bruno VeSota

Jayne’s first role was a part in the low budget Female Jungle. The film noir movie sets the mood for Jayne’s career as she plays a flirty blonde mistress who adores leopeard print pants.

The Girl Can't Help It

1956, Directed By Frank Tashlin

Jayne had a few small parts in movies before bagging the leading role in The Girl Can’t Help It. It was rumoured that the studios took her on as a replacement warning to Marilyn Monroe. Jayne’s wardrobe, hair and baby voice in the film matched Monroe’s. But she made it her own by using a little squeal and an almost comedic walk.

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?

1957, Directed By Frank Tashlin,

Jayne teamed up with director Frank Tashlin again to creat one of her most iconic roles in Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? She plays a glamourous celebrity that thrives on publicity. She wore figure hugging dresses, big earrings and a touch of leopard print.

Too Hot To Handle

1960, Directed By Terrence Young

The Loves Of Hercules

1960, Directed By Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia

Jayne starred alongside her husband Mickey as Hercules. She was almost unrecognisable with her brunette hair and natural look. It was a step away from the Monroe style and comedies that she was used to.

Promises... Promises

1963, Directed By King Donovan

But it wasn’t long before Jayne went back to comedy to become the first Hollywood starlet to appear naked in a post-silent film. It caused pandamonium in America. Several cities banned the film. Despite that, it was one of the highest grossing movies of the year and Jayne had become legendary.

The Fat Spy

1966, Directed By Joseph Cates

By 1966, Jayne wasn’t getting roles like she used to. She appeared in the Z Movie (less of a budget than a B Movie), The Fat Spy. Her sherbet coloured wardobe and cameo from the band The Wild Ones made this movie worth a watch, however, the plot was terrible.

Single Room Furnished

1968, Directed By Matt Cimber

After the excitement of the ’50s, Jayne flew to England to be in Too Hot To Handle. She played a provocative chorus girl in a seedy London club. Her outfits were so revealing that Playboy printed movie stills in their magazine.

Thankfully, Jayne’s acting career didn’t end with low budget movies and cheap gimics. Her last released movie Single Room Furnished was one of her best. Jayne cast away her sequin dresses and Monroe hair do for a new modern look that was entirely her own. In her last starring role she returned to serious acting and showed that she wasn’t just a pretty face with the oh so kissable lips.

In between movies, Jayne was falling in love with the wrong men, dancing in burlesque shows and drinking in the comfort of the ‘pink palace’ that she’d designed for herself. People called her trash, but to me, it seemed like she was having a lot of fun. Unfortunately it all came to an end in 1967, when she died in a car crash at just 34 years old.

P.S. If you love sixties fashion, you’ll love my vintage boutique. Check it out by clicking here.

    1 comment

  • James hadfield
    January 25, 2022

    always,always Loved Jane. she was so much more than what she was portrayed as by hellywood and an uptight puratanical society. I liked her a lot better as an actress and person than Monroe or anyone else ( except for the exquisite Stellar stevins) as usual the sleazy media sensationalized her death, but that’s what those maggots do. Jane was actually very intelligent and an accomplished musician.but that don’t sell national enquirer rags that are equivalent to Jerry Springer feces. Jane was a goddess and genuine, so of course she was a Target for the evil schmucks!

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