30 Days Of You | 1 Video A Day Self Esteem Challenge

January 3, 2017

You may have seen in my last post that I have decided to improve myself this year in a number of ways. To make those goals a reality, I sat up all night and came up with a number of 30 day challenges to make my dreams a reality starting today.

My first challenge is one that is my most personal – self esteem. I worry too much about what others think of me and am afraid of judgement. This has pushed me into more behind the scenes roles in life and although I’m thankful for the life I’ve had, I’ve always yearned to be a little more confident to do the things I want to do like public speaking or tiny things like karaoke. 
So each challenge comes with a little task for the day that will help me to reaching my goal. Each month has its own affirmation too, which I hope to embed into my subconscious. January is all about loving myself in the name of mindfulness month. I’ll upload one video a day to social media in order to track my performance and put myself out there more.
I would love it if people can do it too and join me on this journey. If you do, please tag me as I would love to see how you’re doing or simply use the hashtag #30daysofyou. Below I have posted the tasks so you can either track my progress or do it yourself. Good Luck! 

Find my Day One here: https://youtu.be/zl_OaN8ULmM
