Where to find FREE sparkling water in Paris

August 28, 2019
Ernest Hemingway Paris Address Book

Yes. Paris has free sparkling water.

Although carbonated water doesn’t cost much (you can buy over a litre for 40p in the supermarket), anything for free is most welcome. Even if you do think it tastes like pins and needles.

Paris has been installing free sparkling fountains since 2010. Parisians had complained that they’d drink more water if it was carbonated, et voila, a free fountain! If only the UK government was this attentive. I’d complain that I’d eat more vegetables if chips were free.

Paris plans to put a fountain in each arrondissement (Paris’ version of boroughs). Making that 20 in total. Here’s a list of the ones that already exist below.

P.S. Whilst researching this, I found this article about Rome having its own fountain flowing with FREE WINE. As you can imagine, I’ve already begun flat searching.

Sparkling Water Fountains

  • Rue Gilber Cesbron. Near Parc Martin Luther King
  • Rue d’Aubervilliers. Near Jardin d’Eole
  • Quai Anatole France. Near Pont de la Concorde
  • Rue Dulaure. Near Square Severine
  • Avenue Daumesnil. Near Jardin de Reuilly
  • Rue Neuve Tolbiac. Near National Library of France
  • Quai Andre Citroen. Near Parc Andre Citroen

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