Venice Carnival 2018: The Masks Of Venice

February 6, 2019

Visiting Venice during carnival season was more enchanting than I could have imagined. Confetti lined the floors and every now and then I caught the sparkle of eyes from behind a mask.

Venice Carnival runs from February until pancake day. There is a lot of mystery surrounding the origins of this festival but it was said that the carnival was a time for pleasure. Laws were suspended during carnival, allowing the Venetian people to dress how they liked and indulge without prejudice. Gambling, drinking and being a dirty minx were all fair game.

The masks themselves were often elaborate and handmade out of glass. Even now, a lot of people handcraft their own costumes and assume a new personality for the festival. Many compete for La Maschera Più Bella (the most beautiful mask).

If you’re thinking of heading to Venice, I would highly recommend going during this time. If you don’t believe me, just have a look at some of my photos of Venice Carnival 2018.

All photos taken by Mandy Morello.

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