8 books every Keith Richards fan needs to read

December 22, 2019
Keith Richards

If you wanna know what he eats for breakfast and other essential information, you’re gonna want to read these Keith Richards books.

Keith Richards was my gateway drug into 60’s rock music. After finding out that he was the inspiration behind my favourite pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow, I was an instant fan.

I was 13. The way he rolled his eyes at reporters and hit people around the head with his guitar made him the ultimate rock star in my eyes. 

When I matured (a little bit), I realised that it was heroin, not the careless attitude, that made his eyes roll. But also that he was extremely talented as well. I mean, he wrote the riff to ‘Satisfaction’ in his sleep… whaaat? He’s someone I’d definitely share my crisps with.

Over the years, I’ve gotten to know him a little better. And that’s mostly thanks to reading these eight must-read Keith Richards books. Now I know the name of his school teacher, that he likes Marlboro cigarettes and that he enjoys trimming weeds in the garden.

Here’s the eight books where you can learn this essential information.

8 Must Read Keith Richards Books

Life By Keith Richards

I carried this book around with me so much, people were starting to think it was an accessory. But his autobiography is so jam-packed that I had to read it super slowly to soak all his stories in like a jumper in the rain. And it’s amazing how much he remembers. If you’re going to read any book off of this list, it has to be this one

What Would Keith Richards Do? By Jessica Pallington West

Jessica has pulled together the best and wittiest quotes from a shit ton of Keith Richards interviews and put them all into this book of “daily affirmations”. His hilarious answers to important life questions tell you more about his personality and his philosophy.

The Rolling Stones Discover America By Michael Lydon

Michael Lydon had a dream job. On the Rolling Stones first tour of America, he was invited to ride with the band and report it all to Rolling Stone magazine. A bit like the movie Absolute Famous if you’ve seen that? This book is probably the closest we’ll ever get to going on tour with the Stones. Unless you’re a roadie or something like that.

Up And Down With The Rolling Stones By Tony Sanchez

If you want to hear someone else’s version of events, then look no further than his assistant Tony Sanchez. He’s worked with Keith for several years and his jobs included drug dealing, organising “cheap thrills’ and last minute flights to wherever Keith wanted to go. Tony’s book covers what it was like having Keith for a boss. I mean, I’ve had worse bosses haven’t you?

Gus & Me By Keith Richards

Push all that rocking and rolling aside for one moment, and remember that Keith Richards is a son, father and grandson. Keith wrote another book and this one is about his relationship with his grandfather. Plus, it’s completely illustrated by his daughter. If you want to know what it’s like being related to Keith, this one’s for you.

Ronnie By Ronnie Wood

So what about his fellow bandmates? Well, Ronnie Wood wrote a book about his time in the Stones and it’s full of hilarious anecdotes about Keith. You get to learn what it’s like being a fellow Rolling Stone in this one. Ronnie also delves into his time in 1960s London which is a HUGE bonus.

The Rolling Stones 50 By Keith Richards & Co

I hate the term “coffee table book”. I don’t own a coffee table. I’m not even sure why a table only exists for coffee. So I’m gonna call it a “can’t carry it with you” book because that’s all they are, aren’t they? Just a book that’s too big for your handbag.

This “can’t carry it with you” book is like a huge encyclopedia of rare photographs, old posters and anecdotes from Keith himself. It’s a visual look into 50 years of the Stones career and a great insight into Keith’s journey within the band. So if you like looking at things, rather than reading them, this one’s for you.

Can’t Give It Away On Seventh Avenue By Christopher McKittrick

The Rolling Stones impacted many places in the 60s & 70s and one of them was New York. Even 60s TV Show Mad Men showed the excitement of the Stones in New York in one of their episodes. It’s the one where Donald Draper goes in search of the Stones, in the hopes they might agree to be in his client’s advert.

This book covers their whole history in the big apple starting from when they first arrived in 1964. This one is great if you’re planning a trip to New York because it features places that Keith hung out in and you can go visit them today.  I’ve also included one of his favourite holiday destinations in my book Where Girls Went Wild. Give it a download here– it’s free!

So tell me Keith Richards fan, if you want to get to know him a little better which ones are going to add to your wishlist? Or have you read them all? I’d love to know which ones are your favourites. Tell me in the comments below.

P.S. And if you know a Keith Richards fan, send them this blog post. They’re gonna looove you for it.

    1 comment

  • gulisa
    January 6, 2020

    I’d love to read the New York one xxx

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