Is Budweiser Promoting Rape?

April 29, 2015

Budweiser took their #upforwhatever campaign a step too far by releasing their new Bud Light bottle printed with a provocative slogan.

The bottle reads “the perfect beer for removing ‘no’ from your vocabulary for the night.” Many have complained that this encourages rape and promotes harassment because alcohol plays a big role in these crimes. The company swiftly issued an apology after a shit storm of twitter rage.



Though the slogan has been removed, their #upforwhatever campaign has pushed boundaries before. On St Patricks Day the beer brand decided to encourage pinching people with a picture of young girls.

Drink News Budweiser

We guess Budweiser haven’t changed their views since the fifties (advert at top of the page). Do you think Budweiser are crossing the line? Let us know in the comments below!


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