A Tea With Beauty Benefits : YouBeautea

January 13, 2015

I s there anything more delightfully British than drinking a floral cup of tea? Though through all our vintage teapot loving and warm brew soothing moments, there is always a measure guilt. It stains our glossy white teeth and may even feel a tad drowsy for being unable to maintain our caffeine addictions. But a new tea has hit the market claiming to improve our beauty called You Beautea.

You Beautea is a Raspberry Collagen Tea which is a preservative that contains 200 mg of collagen and vitamin C. The ingredients are said to make the tea help with natural health and beauty by strengthening nails, adding shine to hair and most importantly diminishing those unwanted wrinkles.

A passionate tea drinker called Nicole began her journey by searching for the perfect caffeine-free brand. Unable to find one, she was encouraged by her mother to make her own. Nicole then found herself researching vigourously and looking to Japan for inspiration. The natural ingredients seemed to evoke the flawless skin of the women of that country. 

I dip the white leaved teabag in hot water, which gradually turns it to an earthy yellow colour. The smell escaping the mug is a musty fragrance with a hint of sweetness. This doesn’t spur me on to taste but the thought of shiny hair and beautiful skin urged me to take a sip. The flavour is much better than it looks. It tastes like an English Breakfast with a whirl of raspberry. There is no need to add sugar as the after taste is sweet enough.  It’s consistency is smooth which makes it easy to drink.

Even though I haven’t been drinking YouBeautea long enough to notice the beauty benefits, it’s worth drinking for its sweet caffeine-free raspberry infusion which is a health benefit in itself. A charming multitasking tea for the busy multitasking women.
